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- #include <math.h>
- #include <float.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <GAP.h>
- /*
- * Example bounded real-vector genome and functions for Crossover, Mutation,
- * Comparing, Initizlization and Displaying.
- *
- * A bounded vector is a vector where the elements are constrained to
- * specified ranges.
- */
- #define VLENGTH 3 /* Number of elements in the vector. */
- #define UCROSS 1 /* Crossover considers doubles to be unit length. */
- /* Constaint ranges {Low,High} */
- /* Note! All ranges are inclusive. */
- static double Constraints[VLENGTH][2] = {
- {-1.0,1.0}, /* v[0] */
- {-1.0,1.0}, /* v[1] */
- {-1.0,1.0} /* v[2] */
- };
- struct BRVPolyphant {
- double v[VLENGTH];
- };
- void BRVInit(struct BRVPolyphant * );
- void BRVMutate(struct BRVPolyphant * );
- void BRVCross(struct BRVPolyphant * , struct BRVPolyphant *);
- double BRVDiff(struct BRVPolyphant *,struct BRVPolyphant *);
- void BRVDisplay(struct BRVPolyphant * );
- void BRVInit(struct BRVPolyphant *Polly)
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i!=VLENGTH;i++) {
- Polly->v[i] = InRand(Constraints[i][0],Constraints[i][1]);
- }
- }
- void BRVMutate(struct BRVPolyphant *Polly)
- {
- int i;
- if(Rnd(1024)<(VLENGTH)) {
- i = Rnd(VLENGTH);
- Polly->v[i] = InRand(Constraints[i][0],Constraints[i][1]);
- }
- }
- void BRVCross(struct BRVPolyphant *Polly, struct BRVPolyphant *Tweety)
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef UCROSS
- double t;
- i = Rnd(VLENGTH+1);
- for(;i<VLENGTH;i++) {
- t = Polly->v[i];
- Polly->v[i] = Tweety->v[i];
- Tweety->v[i] = t;
- }
- #else
- double delta,dpos,avg;
- for(i=0;i!=VLENGTH;i++) {
- delta = fabs(Polly->v[i]-Tweety->v[i]);
- if(delta>DBL_EPSILON) {
- dpos = InRand(-delta,delta);
- avg = (Polly->v[i]+Tweety->v[i])/2.0;
- Polly->v[i] = avg+dpos;
- Tweety->v[i] = avg-dpos;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- double BRVDiff(struct BRVPolyphant *Polly,struct BRVPolyphant *Tweety)
- {
- double l=0,t;
- int i;
- for(i=0;i!=VLENGTH;i++) {
- t = Polly->v[i]-Tweety->v[i];
- l += t*t;
- }
- return(sqrt(l));
- }
- void BRVDisplay(struct BRVPolyphant *Polly)
- {
- int i;
- printf("(%.3lf",Polly->v[0]);
- for(i=1;i<VLENGTH;i++) {
- printf(",%.3lf",Polly->v[i]);
- }
- printf(")\n");
- }